"There are tens of millions of whites who are afraid to face blacks in a non-confrontational way. "
Is this a known fact? Or is it simply the opinion of some based on anecdotal evidence?
"In the United States, indigenous people and African Americans have always had an extremely unequal relationship with white people, and the threat of violence has always been implicit. "
Hm. So you're saying that whenever a minority talks to a white person, they do so in fear of violence?
I find that difficult to believe.
"If white people wish to prove their race is in any way special..."
Why would anyone need to prove their "race" is special? What we call race, after all, is simply an amalgam of a tiny number of genes that control for melanin, cheekbones, hair texture, and a few others. 99.8% of the genetic code has nothing to do with what we call "race".
Do people watch the Olympics and root for their race rather than their country? I think not.
"A first step would be to just say the words so many are longing to hear: Black Lives Matter. "
When do they not? I cannot remember a time in my life when they didn't, and I've been around for quite some time. And although I fully acknowledge the fact that there exist racial disparities and racism in the US, I think you'd be surprised how many people no longer percieve race in the way you seem to.
Race is a silly way to divide people, anyway. Always has been. Time to move on.