"the vast number of people today"
The vast number of who?
I'd take a SWAG that 95% of the world's population, probably more,. either likes the American style consumerist society as it is or aspires to live in it.
I've traveled at length in a lot of developing countries, and although there are a few well-to-do intellectuals in each that opine about how the West hoards and abuses the material wealth of the world to the detriment of the developing world, the people who actually live in those countries aren't aspiring to become members of a more egalitarian world --- they're aspiring to join the ranks of the hoarders and abusers.
So, if the world actually does tear society apart (I doubt this), what will replace the current "system" will be something entirely different, driven not by lofty ideals, but by the consensus of those who remain (who will not be, for the most part, very high-minded.)