Probably. But you don't have to do the recounts in a vacuum. In FL, the independent parties were never permitted to TOUCH the ballots --- they were presented visually one by one for the parties to observe and count.
This situation, fortuantely, is much simpler--- the contentions about ballots are not 3D (dimples, IOW) but 2D. Ballots can be scanned, anonymized, and put up on the Internet.
Further, the biggest contention here is signature verification, which is a statistically valid issue and to me, the most persuasive reason why recounts should occur. The US went from 1% absentee/mail in to 30-40% absentee/mail in in a single election, and the number of ballots rejected due to signature verifiation issues dropped from 25% to 1%.
Inquiring minds want to know why, And, I would add, that IF absentee/mail in becomes commonplace in the future, AND jurisdictions refuse to put ballots up for general analysis, distrust in our election system will plummet. Mail in voting does not have a good enough record world-wide such that anyone can say conclusively that it works and is fraud free.