Kady M.
1 min readJul 2, 2018


You believe almost everything should be private.
I believe we should let each do what they do best. Sometimes that is private, and sometimes that is government. I’m sorta reasonable that way :)

Nope. I actually agree with you 100%. What I believe is that in the case of health care, we quite obviously need cost control; and I further believe that the only sustainable way to achieve that cost control is by exposing those costs to market forces. That’s the point of difference between us, as I see it.

No. Nobody dictates anything.


“Prescription drugs, even those manufactured by American companies, cost much less in Canada than in the United States. Why?”

“The simple answer is price controls. A Canadian law authorizes a review board to order a price reduction whenever the price of a drug exceeds the median of the prices in six European countries plus the United States. Since all the European countries intervene in various ways to hold down drug costs, Canada in effect piggy-backs on other countries’ price controls.”



Kady M.

Free markets/free minds. Question all narratives. If you think one political party is perfect and the other party is evil, the problem with our politics is you.