NBC news has reported the arrest, leaving out the "gender fluidity" issue. I assume you consider them reliable.
But, although this was a somewhat entertaining thread with all the accusations of logical fallacies being thrown around, be advised that it is ALSO a principle of logic that a reported item NOT be judged on the basis of the platform conveying that fact; that's simply a variant of Poisioning the Well. It is entirely possible, if not common, that a story reported by a biased source such as Fox or MSNBC is reported honestly and accurately, although the reporting may emphasize or deemphasize various parts of the story to align with the idologic views of the reporter.
But, to the point: I assume that you would agree that the rape of a student on school premises should be (a) fully prosecuted to the extent of the law, (b) reported by news sources accurately, and that (a) and (b) should occur regardless of the gender the student presents themselves as.