"My next step is to find teachers who are discussing how they will teach within the confines of this law."
Nobody knows this quite yet. What is happening now is that district curriculum leaders are working through the law and considering various scenarios so they can provide guidance about what is now not acceptable to their teachers when they assemble in mid-August for in-service workdays.
The teachers will take it from there, so to speak.
My read of the Texas law is that very little will change in the classroom. Certain teachers (probably not many) MAY have been introducing elements of the now-verboten topics into their lessons, but the banned topics were never part of the standard curriculum (to my knowledge). so the only way they would have been presented would have been through teacher led enrichment activities and perhaps by guest speakers in school assemblies.
At any rate, the only things that are now actually banned by this law are things that any fair minded person would object to anyway. Nobody seriously believes that guiltless children should be made to feel guilty on account of their skin color for events that happened 150 years before their birth.
I don't think this particularly hard to comply with.
I just looked at a few Texas school calendars. Staff workshops will actually start during the 1st week in August, so it won't be long before you can start hunting down feedback on what sort of guidance the districts are giving, if you are so inclined.