"disparity of uninsured vs insured mother's health risks it does not negate the fact that in the US we tend toward more comorbidities such as diabetes, heart conditions, high blood pressure, and obesity which impact the outcomes of birth."
Sure. But the way we pay (or don't pay) for our health care doesn't have anything to do with the fact that we're overweight and out of shape. :-)
Put another way: if the health care systems are of equivalent quality, you'd expect the system caring for the less healthy patient to have poorer public health outcomes. And that's exactly what happens in the US, *exacerbated* by the fact that 15% of our population lacks access to regular care and thereby is even *less* healthy.
Which bolsters my original thesis.
"There is an apparent and growing disparity now, not only between men and women in the area of receiving care, but now among races. "
Yes, nothing new there. Since minorities are overrepresented in lower income brackets, and low income correlates fairly nicely with being uninsured, again, not unexpected.
"Tell me exactly how many men have had a cesarean section? How many have had their ovaries and uterus removed, solely on the basis "you are done having children"? It is these things that create the numbers of disparity between the nations."
Seems we're going pretty far afield here. Yes, there are differences in treatment modalities between nations. It is not true that all those differences favor nations with universal care.
"It has never worked. They work for their own self-service."
Well, this is why you try to align those self-interests with the interests of the patient.