Cynically, I've stated in other forums that his ongoing insistence on specifically defining "what is a female" is going to inevitably lead to women athletes being forced to parade naked before sports authoritise before each competition.
"Got a penis? Go stand in that line. What, no penis? Over there, please."
This is why I can't get agitated over Semenya. Perhaps there's a million elite atheletes in some sport or another on this planet. One of every thousand children are born intersex, to the extent that the mother is asked by the OB-GYN, "so, boy, girl,....pick one" after delivery. Do the stats on that. How many intersex babies ALSO have elite athlete potential? My SWAG is between 1 and 100 million and 1 in a billion.
Sports policy cannot be made to accomodate a one in 100 MILLION occurrence. So yes, on occasion, when a Semenya appears, the least unfair answer is probably "sorry, we don't have a way for you to compete."
But I agree with your last paragraph. But where does that end up? Having two "female" categories, one limited to the normal range of female testosterone, and another one for women who want to drug themselves to a higher testosterone level?