"Can you show me a single example of a school replacing its entirely social curriculum with CRT? That's what you're saying is happening."
No, that's not what I'm saying is happening. I am saying that ideas that come from CRT are appearing in public school history and social studies curricula. These ideas are controversial (obviously) which is what's got parents into a snit. There are plenty of examples, you don't need me to make you a list.
"You're being intentionally vague and not actually using any facts or presenting that you understand what CRT teaches. I'm going to assume you're full of shit and talking out of you're ass."
Certainly your perogative, but the principles of CRT are pretty easy to google up. Not sure why so many keep running around harping on the "you don't know what CRT is" talking point.
"I've already learned my whitewashed American history; I don't want my son spoonfed the same bullshit about 1492 and the ocean fucking blue."
Nor should he. He should have access to a dispassionately written, fact filled, rich curricula which, properly taught during Black History Month, outlines the history of slavery and impacts of racism in America up until the Civil Rights Act, includes the fact that we are still dealing with systemic issues which poke their heads up from time to time (redlining is a great example) and will continue to do so in the future, without engaging with controversial, opinionated, and hyperbolic concepts and whatever highly charged political debates exist in the present day.
(It's probably worth mentioning that there are 50 State Boards of Education and thus 50 different bodies which approve curricula in the US. The state you were in may have whitewashed it's curricuium; mine certainly didn't. Don't assume everyone had the same experience you did.)
"Have a great day."
You too.