Kady M.
1 min readFeb 12, 2018


I don’t distract myself with the stuff you’re writing about. I focus on policies and how they affect people’s rights and lives. As I wrote in the original essay there are lots of excuses for perpetuating discriminatory systems that avoid overt sexism, racism, bigotry etc. Again if you’re more concerned about the intention game than the effects of policy that’s a pretty shallow politics.

And that’s why I called you an undependable partner in democracy.

Democracy is a PROCESS, not an OUTCOME. It’s a process which (ideally) aggregates the expressed will of the citizens, filters that will through the electoral process of their representatives, and creates policies which codify that will within the confines of existing law.

You may wish to create “siloes” in your mind if you wish, where statistics, law, intent, outcome……are separate from one another, but that ignores the fact that there is a process which connects all those silos, and the risk of ignoring the process are unintended consequences which leave you worse off than when you started.

Again if you’re more concerned about the intention game than the effects of policy that’s a pretty shallow politics.

You’re entitled to your opinion. History shows that focusing only on outcomes, and not the process behind it all, maximizes unintended consequences.



Kady M.

Free markets/free minds. Question all narratives. If you think one political party is perfect and the other party is evil, the problem with our politics is you.