"(And please, MAGAs, don’t make us laugh by cherry-picking and whatabouting how the Democrat Socialist libs are worse. Not even close. Besides, it’s not a competition.)"
I'm not a MAGA , but you cannot discount the fact that every time one of your "Dem Soc Libs" (I suppose that's the same group the right call "woke") opens their mouths, a new Republican voter is born. How much GOP support was and is driven by "Defund the Police" and the defense of jamming social topics into elementary schools?
The problem is not that the right has gotten more right or the left has gotten more left; I'm sure that's true at the extremes. But the average american voter hasn't moved very much in over 20 years; they're still the same centrist, kinda-religious, law and order supporting, status quo supporting person who likes their politicians to be working for them, and not constantly on cable news letterboxes harping about how horrible the other "side" is and demonizing their employers for being "greedy".
So, I'd propose a different model. I'd concur with your view that the Repubs today are in a very dark place, darker than where the Dems are.
But in both parties, extremeists are running the show. The Dems are also in a dark place. And neither is truly deserving of the citizens vote.
How do you fix politics when both parties are crap?